Bringing joy to the world one child at a time is our mission. We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community. Operation Help the World, uses gift-filled drawstring backpacks to demonstrate love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.
Ever since we were children, we've had the passion of helping others around us. We’ve done what we can and each year we have helped local charities and other companies helping children around the world.
Realizing there is a huge need for a passionate nonprofit in this area, we have formed our organization. This year we have decided to take everything we have learned and launch our own endeavor, and with the help of our friends, family, and local businesses we can make this a success. We continue to grow thanks to the amazing support of our community.
Through our Operation Christmas Joy project, we hope to have unparalleled opportunities to touch the lives of millions of boys and girls throughout the world. Many of these children have never received a gift nor had the opportunity to understand the true meaning of Christmas—until they've opened the drawstring backpacks filled with gifts from people who donated like you.
Our Operation back to School project, is dedicated to providing disadvantaged children with backpacks full of school supplies. We collect donated new backpacks and school supplies for children in the most need in the community.
This program ensures underprivileged children get to start the first day of school feeling confident and prepared to succeed academically.
Please join us in making this reality for as many children as possible.